Úrsula Corberó top most sexy photos

Úrsula Corberó Delgado is a Spanish actress. She was born on August 11, 1989, in Barcelona, Spain. Corberó gained international recognition for her role as Tokyo in the Spanish television series “La Casa de Papel” (Money Heist), created by Álex Pina. The show became a huge success and garnered a large international fanbase.

Prior to her breakthrough role in “La Casa de Papel,” Corberó had appeared in various Spanish television shows and movies. Some of her notable works include the TV series “Física o Química” and “Isabel,” as well as films like “The Secret of the Old Woods” and “Quién mató a Bambi?”.

Corberó’s portrayal of Tokyo in “La Casa de Papel” propelled her to global fame and she became one of the most recognizable faces of the series. Her performance as the rebellious and impulsive character received critical acclaim.

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