Kaley Cuoco looked drop-dead gorgeous as she showed off her shapely legs in a photo now making the rounds on Instagram. The 36-year-old actress, currently in the news for expecting her first child, was definitely in a #throwback in a photo shared to a fan account recently
fans don’t seem to care whether images of the HBO Max star are old or new, though. Going for a leggy flash as she wore only a white robe, Kaley stunned while glamming up, and fans are giving the whole thing the thumbs-up.
While photos on Kaley’s Instagram are right now centering around her exciting pregnancy with boyfriend Tom Pelphrey, this shot kept it solo. Kaley posed all smiles from a glam room while seated and going sexy in a figure-hugging and slinky white robe that definitely showcased her legs. The Flight Attendant star wore her bathrobe off the shoulder for an extra sexy finish, also posing holding a circular mirror as she smiled for the camera.