Scarlett Johansson black bikini pictures

Scarlett Johansson is a 32-year-old actress, singer and model who was born in New York City in the United States. Scarlett Johansson got her big break onto the scene of Hollywood when she featured in the 1994 film ‘North’, and ‘Manny & Lo’ shortly after in the year 1996. Scarlett Johansson has since featured in a variety of hit Hollywood films, which includes ‘The Black Dahlia’, ‘Vicky Cristina Barcelona’, ‘Lucy’, ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ and ‘Under the Skin’.

An interesting fact you may not know about Scarlett Johansson is the fact that she is not only a talented actress but also a talented singer. Few people know that Scarlett Johansson has actually released two albums entitled ‘Break Up’ and ‘Anywhere I Lay My Head’. Scarlett Johansson has a twin brother named Hunter who also featured with her in the film ‘Manny & Lo’.

Scarlett Johansson also has an older sister named Vanessa who, just like Scarlett Johansson, is also an actress. All you need to do is continue reading if you would like to know more interesting facts you may not know about Scarlett Johansson, and we will also be revealing her net worth at the end of this article.

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