Natalie portman american actress hottest pictures

Natalie Portman is an Israeli-American actress, film director, and producer. She was born on June 9, 1981, in Jerusalem, Israel, and moved to the United States when she was three years old. Portman first gained fame for her role as Mathilda in the 1994 film “Léon: The Professional.”

Since then, she has appeared in numerous films, including the “Star Wars” prequel trilogy, “V for Vendetta,” “Black Swan,” “Jackie,” and “Annihilation.” Portman has been nominated for and won several awards for her acting, including an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in “Black Swan.”

Aside from acting, Portman is also an advocate for various social and environmental causes. She is a vocal supporter of animal rights, veganism, and has been involved in numerous charity organizations, including FINCA International, which provides microfinance to low-income entrepreneurs.

In addition to her work in front of the camera, Portman has also directed and produced several films. She made her directorial debut with the 2015 film “A Tale of Love and Darkness,” which she also wrote and starred in.

Overall, Natalie Portman is a highly accomplished and talented individual who has made significant contributions to the entertainment industry and beyond.

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