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Kristen Stewart is an American actress and filmmaker. She was born on April 9, 1990, in Los Angeles, California. Stewart gained international recognition for her portrayal of Bella Swan in the “Twilight” film series, based on the novels by Stephenie Meyer.

Stewart began her acting career at a young age and appeared in various films and television shows before landing her breakthrough role in “Twilight” in 2008. Her performance in the series earned her widespread popularity and a large fan base. She reprised her role as Bella Swan in the subsequent “Twilight” films, including “New Moon,” “Eclipse,” “Breaking Dawn – Part 1,” and “Breaking Dawn – Part 2.”

Apart from the “Twilight” series, Stewart has appeared in numerous other films, showcasing her versatility as an actress. Some of her notable film credits include “Adventureland,” “Snow White and the Huntsman,” “Still Alice,” “Café Society,” “Personal Shopper,” and “Seberg.” Stewart has received critical acclaim for her performances in various independent films. She has also ventured into directing and made her directorial debut with the short film titled “Come Swim” in 2017.

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