Katy Perry hottest photoshoot ever

The 38-year-old pop star bared crazy cleavage in a low-cut black, sparkling studded halter dress with an empire waist and wrap skirt with a thigh high slit.

After she lifted her hands from the wet cement, her dress rode up and almost gave spectators an eyeful. Luckily, she was spared a wardrobe malfunction.

Perry was honored along with designer Jeremy Scott. The event was held during the premiere of Jeremy Scott: The People’s Designer at the TCL Chinese Theatre.

Other celebs in attendance included Dita Von Teese, Lily Collins, Liberty Ross and Vanessa Hudgens.

Perry glammed-up appearance followed a recent trip to the 2015 Burning Man arts and music festival in the dusty Black Rock Desert in Nevada, during which she showed off her Segway rising skills, or lack thereof, which prompted a video response from her father.

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