Jennifer Aniston sexy photos

Jennifer’s salary on the show started at $22,500 per episode which increased to $40,000, after her romantic plotline with Ross actor, David Schwimmer. She went on to make her first million for the entirety of season 3 of the show, according to Insider. In total, Jennifer and her fellow castmates raked in around $90 million each for their appearance on the widely beloved show.

After departing her breakthrough TV role, Jennifer went on to star in a countless number of hit movies which also came with a hefty paycheck. According to Insider, Jennifer’s role in Marley and Me earned her $8 million, and $5 million for We’re the Millers, in which she starred alongside Emma Roberts and Jason Sudeikis.

Jennifer primarily resides in her luxurious Bel-Air mansion which she purchased for $20.97 million back in 2011. The stunning property – designed by A. Quincy Jones – played host to Jennifer’s intimate wedding to her ex-husband Justin Theroux back in August 2015.

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