Emilia Clarke sexy and hot photos most viral

Emilia began a six month relationship with “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane in 2012. In February 2011, Clarke underwent endovascular coiling surgery after a ruptured aneurysm caused a subarachnoid hemorrhage. After the surgery, 24-year-old Emilia (who had just finished filming season 1 of “Game of Thrones”) sometimes couldn’t remember her own name due to aphasia; she had another aneurysm surgery in 2013.

Emilia has earned several awards and nominations for her work on “Game of Thrones.” She was nominated for Primetime Emmys in 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2019 and won a Saturn Award from the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films in 2019. “Game of Thrones” also earned Clarke a Gracie Allen Award (2012), an Online Film & Television Association award (2013), a Scream Award (2011), and an SFX Award (2013), and she shared a 2019 IGN People’s Choice Award and 2020 CinEuphoria Award with her castmates. In 2018, Emilia was named British Artist of the Year at the BAFTA/LA Britannia Awards. AskMen readers voted her the most desirable woman in the world in 2014, and the following year, “Esquire” named her the Sexiest Woman Alive, and she received the “GQ” Woman of the Year Award. “FHM” magazine included Clarke on their 2015, 2016, and 2017 lists of the 100 sexiest women, and she was named one of 2017’s Best Dressed Women by “Glamour.”

In 2016, Emilia paid $4.64 million for a mansion in Venice Beach, California. The 2,817 square foot home features sliding glass doors, floor-to-ceiling bookcases, and a 30-foot swimming pool. Clarke put the home on the rental market for $25,000 per month in 2018. She listed this home for sale in August 2020 for just under $5 million.

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