Her breakthrough came when she was cast as Sansa Stark in HBO’s adaptation of George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series, titled “Game of Thrones.” The show premiered in 2011 and ran for eight seasons until 2019. Turner’s portrayal of Sansa Stark, a young noblewoman navigating the complex political and social dynamics of the fictional world of Westeros, garnered her widespread recognition and praise.
Following her success on “Game of Thrones,” Sophie Turner appeared in various films and projects. She starred as Jean Grey / Phoenix in the 2019 film “X-Men: Dark Phoenix,” part of the X-Men film series. However, the movie did not perform as well critically or commercially as expected.
Outside of acting, Turner has been vocal about her advocacy for mental health awareness. She has openly discussed her own struggles with mental health issues, including depression, and has worked to destigmatize conversations around mental health.