All time Natalie Portman hottest photos

Natalie Portman stuns in a pink strapless Rodarte number at the 81st Annual Academy Awards on Feb. 22, 2009. She looked like a goddess!

Natalie Portman is so chic in a little black dress during the 82nd Annual Academy Awards on Mar. 7, 2010. She wore black peep-toe heels and had on a diamond necklace and matching bangle.

Natalie Portman is sweet in piink lace at the AFI Life Achievement Awards honoring Mike Nichols on Jun. 10, 2010. They worked on the film ‘Closer’ together.

Natalie Portman is oh-so-elegant in a deep fuchsia number during the 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards on Jan. 15, 2012. She wore silver heels and carried a little velvet purse.

Natalie Portman sets pulses racing in red polka dots during the 84th Annual Academy Awards on Feb. 26, 2012. A diamond necklace and matching earrings amped up the glamour.

Natalie Portman looks radiant in a white dress during Vanity Fair’s 2013 Oscar Party on Feb. 24. Her look had a black sash on her shoulder.

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