Kate Upton super hottest bikini photos

Kate Upton takes a dip into the ocean after filming a scene for the movie ‘The Other Woman’ with Cameron Diaz and Leslie Mann in Nassau, Bahamas on Jul. 19, 2013. Her red look perfectly flattered her curves.

Taking a dip! Kate Upton took a dip into the waters while in the Bahamas filming ‘The Other Woman’ on Jul. 21, 2012.

Cute coverup! Kate Upton tossed a white shirt over her sexy black bikini while in the Bahamas on Jul. 21, 2013. She also donned a Panama hat.

Kate Upton models the new Yamamay Summer Collection 2018. The bikini beauty showed off her curves in the Italian lingerie and beachwear company’s latest designs as she hit the beach in Miami with photographer Giampaolo Sgura.

Kate Upton shows off a new bra for lingerie firm, Yamamay. The model wore the brand’s ‘revolutionary’ Space balcony bra.

Kate Upton shows off her curves modeling the Yamamay Spring 2018 Collection. The blonde beauty posed in the lingerie brand’s latest designs for photographer Giampaolo Sgura in a shoot in Miami.

Bikini beauty Kate Upton models Yamamay’s Sculpt Collection for Summer 2018. Kate posed in the Italian lingerie and beachwear company’s lycra stretch swimsuits for photographer Giampaolo Sgura.

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