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Angelina Jolie is an American actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian. She was born on June 4, 1975, in Los Angeles, California, to actor Jon Voight and actress Marcheline Bertrand.

Jolie first gained widespread recognition for her role as the video game heroine Lara Croft in the film “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” (2001). She has since starred in a wide range of films, including “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” (2005), “Changeling” (2008), “Salt” (2010), “Maleficent” (2014), and “Those Who Wish Me Dead” (2021).

In addition to her acting career, Jolie is also known for her humanitarian work. She has been a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) since 2001 and has worked on behalf of refugees and other vulnerable populations in many parts of the world. Jolie is also a co-founder of the Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative and has been involved in various other humanitarian efforts.


Jolie has been married three times, to actors Jonny Lee Miller, Billy Bob Thornton, and Brad Pitt. She has six children, three of whom are adopted.


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