Paula Patton bikini looks

Paula Maxine Patton, known commonly as ‘Paula Patton‘, saw her first Sun on December 5, 1975, in Los Angeles, California.

She is a dazzling American actress who did numerous acting roles in movies like Precious. She is the daughter of Charles Patton and Joyce, who are lawyers and teachers, respectively.

Born in an African-American family, she learned bookish and knowledge of early life (school education) from Alexander Hamilton High School. Post her schooling term, she enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley, but soon left after the first year to pursue her acting education at the University of South California’s Film School.

Post her 16th birth year; she met the first love of her life, Robin Thicke, in 1991 at Sunset Strip. They started to date after two years, in 1993, before getting married in 2005. They obeyed the eternal bond of love and marriage for ten years and got divorced in 2014.

They have a son Julian Fuego who is currently aged ten years. Being a single mom hasn’t been easy at all for her in the current date, but Paula Patton sexy attitude is now in the air again.

As of today, Paula Patton hot images are bringing her more and more followers from across the globe.

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