The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has only been making movies since 2007, yet it’s produced and released 33 titles since, with around 10 more in various stages of development. And thanks to classic blockbuster franchises like Thor, The Avengers, Iron Man, Eternals and Captain Marvel, just to name a few, it’s impressively become the highest-grossing film franchise of all time, earning over US$29 billion at the global box office.
Those numbers are only set to increase in 2024, with Deadpool & Wolverine due to be released in July, Kraven Hunter in August and Venom 3 in November. Next year will be even bigger, with release dates set for Captain America: Brave New World, Fantastic Four, Thunderbolts and Blade.
With its roll-call of high-grossing films, here’s a closer look at the nine richest MCU stars, according to Celebrity Net Worth – and how they make their fortunes.