Jennifer Aniston wear a very sexy outfit see photos

Beyond her acting endeavors, Aniston delved into the domains of film and television production, further enhancing her financial portfolio. Co-founding Echo Films, she has engaged in multimillion-dollar agreements with streaming giants such as Netflix. Jennifer Aniston’s multifaceted career and business acumen have solidified her status as a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.

She charges $8 million to $ 10 million per movie. For the first season of Friends, she was paid $22,500 per episode which rose to $1 million for each episode of season 9 and season 10. Additionally, she receives a royalty from the reruns of the Friends Show. She is being paid $1.2 million for each episode of The Morning Show.

She was the face of Emirates Airlines in 2015 for which she was paid $5 million. The portfolio of brand endorsement includes Aveeno and GlaceauSmartwater. Annually she earns $10 million through brand endorsements. Her real estate portfolio includes Beverly Hills Mansion which she bought for $13.1 million in 2002 and is up for sale starting from $56 Million. She owns an apartment in Gramercy Park, New York which is worth $8.7 million. Her car collection includes a Bentley worth $2,14,000 and a Porsche Panamera worth $1,00,000.

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