Angelina Jolie hot and sexy photoshoot

Angelina Jolie is an American actress, filmmaker, philanthropist, spokeswoman and humanitarian who has a net worth of $120 million. Angelina Jolie has at times been one of the highest-paid actresses in the world, commanding $20 million in salary for a single role. In a typical recent year Angelina earns $20-30 million from movie salaries and endorsements. For example, between June 2019 and June 2020 Angelina earned $35 million.

As part of their bitter divorce battle, in August 2018 Angelina claimed to be cash-strapped and demanded more financial support from Brad Pitt. Court records revealed that Pitt had given Jolie $8 million as a down payment for the $25 million Cecil B. Demille mansion, because she did not have the funds herself. In reality, it’s likely that Angelina has ample funds that are locked up in trusts and investments.

When they married in 2014, Pitt and Jolie agreed they did not need a prenup because both were coming into the marriage with net worths “exceeding $100 million.” So where is Jolie’s money? One answer is that she simply did not want to divest her assets to buy a new house when she knew that Pitt would almost certainly be obligated to provide her the funds. It should also be noted that between August 2017 and August 2018, Angelina earned $28 million from salary and endorsements which made her the second-highest-paid actress on the planet.

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