Scarlett Johansson flaunts her sexy look- see pictures

Scarlett Johansson was born on November 22, 1984, in New York City to Karsten Olaf Johansson and Melanie Sloan. Her father is an architect while her mother used to be a producer. Johansson’s older sister Vanessa is also an actress. Other than this, she also has one older brother, a twin brother, and an older half-brother. Scarlett’s paternal grandfather, Ejner Johansson, was a renowned art historian, screenwriter, and film director

Johansson was in the same school and class as popular singer-songwriter Jack Antonoff where they dated for a year in 2001. After the breakup, Johansson began dating Josh Hartnett but they too broke up because of their busy schedules. In 2007, Johansson entered into a relationship with well-known actor Ryan Reynolds and they got married in 2008. The couple however separated in 2010 and divorced in 2011.

Following her divorce, Scarlett dated an advertising agency owner Romain Dauriac, and eventually got engaged. The couple had one daughter after which they got married. Johansson and Dauriac too got divorced after three years of marriage. Since 2017, Johansson has been with actor Colin Jost, and the two of them are happily married with one son together.

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