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Аlехаndrа Dаddаrіо is an American actress who has a net worth of $10 million. Alexandra earns her living by being an American Actress. She gained limelight for her role in Реrсу Јасkѕоn mоvіеѕ, especially a movie named “Ѕаn Аndrеаѕ,”.

According to various sources, as of 2023, her annual income is $1 million. The primary source of her income comes from her acting profession and brand collaboration. In this article, we will give all the details about Alехаndrа Dаddаrіо net worth, income, career, personal life, etc.

Аlехаndrа Dаddаrіо net worth is approximated to be around $10 million. Alexandra earns her living by being an American Actress. She gained limelight for her role in Реrсу Јасkѕоn mоvіеѕ, especially a movie named “Ѕаn Аndrеаѕ,”.

According to various sources, as of 2023, her annual income is $1 million. The primary source of her income comes from her acting profession and brand collaboration. Alexandra earned the most success and money from her film “San Andreas” which received $470 million at the box office.

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